Book Review
Title: A Worthy Opponent (Wicked Villains #3)
Author: Katee Robert
Genre: Erotic/Romance/Retelling
Rating: ****
Review: All I knew about this instalment was that it follows Tink and Hook. We don’t know much about Hook as he has only appeared once or twice in the background but Tink we have got to know quite well through her interactions with Jasmine and Meg. Tink is one of my favourite characters as she is short, plus-sized, bratty, and endlessly witty and sarcastic. We have seen one small scene where she and Hook are together and she seems to verbally spar with him in a humorous way but I can’t wait to see more from them both. This book takes place about 2 months after Learn My Lesson as Tink’s contract has two months left in the previous book whereas she only has 2 days left now and Hades refuses to renew her contract unless she makes another deal but she has nothing to offer him. Hades isn’t doing this to be cruel in fact, it is the opposite as he knows Tink has been hiding in the Underworld for the past five years and she can’t do it forever. However, Jameson Hook makes her an offer that he will deal with her abusive ex, Peter if she agrees to marry him. Tink obviously refuses and she isn’t 100% sure whether Peter is going to come after her at all but she does fear it. These fears are confirmed when she has barely left the Underworld when Peter jumps her and begins dragging her off and she is no position to fight him, however, Hercules comes to her rescue and she knows in that moment that she has no choice but to accept Hook’s offer or be taken back by Peter where he might kill her or worse turn her into the girl, she was five years ago and Tink won’t stand for that.
After arriving Hook and Tink are married within the hour but Hook’s second in command, Nigel doesn’t think it is a good idea to be dragging Tink back into the world she sacrificed so much to leave but Hook knows that Peter isn’t going to stop unless he stops him but he hasn’t managed to catch Peter yet and Tink is the best way to do it. Tink knows she is being used as bait to catch Peter but it still hurts her to be used as a pawn since she has been used as one basically her whole life. However, she can’t deny her attraction to Hook and when he takes her to the Underworld to publicly announce their marriage and give her the best present in the form of a scene with Gaeton, Beast and Malone she is trying to fight the feelings she has for him. Hook is delighted with Tink internal war as it also comes to light that she choose her safe word with him in mind which means despite all the her words and avoiding him, she wants him more than she is letting one. Despite this we are almost halfway through the novel and we haven’t seen any more of Peter and we haven’t had a proper scene between Tink and Hook yet and I am waiting for it to arrive. Almost all of the set up so far has been detailing the past relationship between Peter and Tink which went badly wrong and how she already knew Hook before she came to the Underworld because he worked for Peter and stole the territory out from under him. A lot of this novel is the constant back and forth bantering between Hook and Tink which I did enjoy and it is also a huge part of Tink coming to realise that despite her efforts in pushing everyone away to protect herself she has allowed people in including her friends, Meg, Allecto, Aurora and obviously Jameson Hook.
It doesn’t take long for Peter to come crawling out of hiding to call Hook who only seeks to infuriate him further with the permission of Tink and in the aftermath of that conversation we see their first time together properly with both of them being open enough to trust the other and it also happens to be the scene where Jameson confesses his love for Tink and her reaction was utter perfection. We still have around 100 pages of this novel left and I was excited to see the final conflict with Peter but I want more of the adorable, shouting matches between Hook and Tink as it is the only time when they are truly honest with each other. The last 100 pages of this novel details Hook and Tink coming to terms with loving each other and wanting a life beyond what they have had so far but it also gives us the resolution of the conflict with Peter, which I am happy to say ends in his death. However, I did have a few issues with this novel, the first is minor as there isn’t a lot of the juicy action that we had in the previous two novels in this one which was very disappointing for me but it didn’t impact the fact I very much enjoyed this book. The main issue I had was we get a lot of context for the next book in this one which really threw me off, we are trying to be invested in Hook and Tink’s relationship and their story but the information given to us about Gaeton and his upcoming made it impossible at times to completely focus on the story we are following and I will discuss this a little more in my review of The Beast which is coming shortly.
Overall, I liked Tink and Hook and their relationship was divine and believable to read about. However, in terms of ranking so far there are my second favourite relationship below Jasmine and Jafar and slightly above Hades, Hercules, and Meg. I can’t wait to jump into the fourth book straight away as I have a feeling this might challenge Desperate Measures for my favourite book in the series so far.
Buy it here:
Paperback/Hardcover: amazon.co.uk amazon.com
Kindle Edition: amazon.co.uk amazon.com
Also see: Desperate Measures