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An Awfully Beastly Business: Sea Monsters and Other Delicacies by The Beastly Boys

Writer's picture: JodieJodie

Book Review

Title: An Awfully Beastly Business: Sea Monsters and Other Delicacies

Author: The Beastly Boys

Genre: MG/Paranormal/Adventure

Rating: *****

Review: After the ending of Werewolf versus Dragon I couldn’t wait to jump into this book especially since we know from the blurb that Marackai is making another appearance but instead of planning a Ring of Horrors, this time he is aiming for a beast feast. We see Marackai and his henchmen, preparing to capture a sea monster to eat but somehow it ends up in the care of Dr. Fielding but it does have a serious brain injury but due to its dangerous nature it is impossible to operate on, meaning they will house it until it dies but Ulf doesn’t seem content with this fact and knowing the lengths he is willing to go I have a feeling that Ulf is the key to saving one of the rarest sea monsters in existence.


Using Professor Farraway’s book Ulf learns that there is a way to extract the sea monster’s venom to make it safe to treat but unfortunately the only known device is broken and Ulf tries to get the Professor’s ghost to tell him how to fix the machine, but he doesn’t seem to be much help at the moment, but I know Ulf is going to find a way to save the beast.  Just as I suspected it is Ulf who literally takes the plunge to help save the sea monster and convinces Dr. Fielding that they can’t leave the creature to die.

In the background, we can see exactly what Marackai was planning and we can see that he has harvested and killed quite a few special sea creatures for his feast and with less than half of the book left I was wondering how he was going to be stopped. The ending of Sea Monsters and Other Delicacies with Ulf saving the day again. Despite these being children’s books I do find it a little convenient that all these attacks from the Baron seem to take place at the time of Ulf’s transformation. I would like to see an entry in this series where something happens well before Ulf id due to transform and he has to resort to other skills and knowledge in order to save the day. I also like that Professor Farraway’s ghost is still helping Ulf and warns him that even though they drove the Baron off again that he will never give up.

I am enjoying this series a lot as the book as quick and easy to read as well as being very entertaining. I would highly recommend this series to people looking for a quick read or a nice way to get out of a reading slump. I hope to read more from this series very soon.

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