I have done a few collabs in the past but never a Blogmas one so when Skylar reached out I was happy to work with her. You can find her post here.
The Ice Skating Scene from Frozen Hearts and Death Magic by Day Leitao – This really sucked me into the story and ramped up the fantastical elements. Although I could honestly any scene set in the Ice Palace since everything about it and the Kingdom screams winter to me.
The Van Sliding Scene from Twilight by Stephanie Meyer – This was one scene that definitely gives me winter or cold vibes and starts the teenage horror show that is Twilight but we all loved it.
The Final Battle Scene from Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer – Another Twilight one but this scene especially in the movie was so atmospheric, from the whiteout landscape, the snow crunching and the frozen earth splitting apart. It definitely holds a special place in my heart.
Harry’s First Christmas from Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling – The scene with Harry and Ron in their knitted sweaters, celebrating Harry’s first Christmas breaks my heart to this day. Especially when you realise that Ron see that despite Harry having more money than his family, he isn’t loved by his aunt and uncle and feels sorry for him.
Christmas in Godric’s Hollow from Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling – This isn’t a happy scene by any stretch of the imagination but it was one that stuck with me from the entire series. Harry and Hermione standing side by side in the snow, laying flowers on the graves of Harry’s parents, something he has never been able to do until this moment and how they lean on each other offering silent support made me tear up more than once.
Holiday TBR
Not many of these include actually “Holiday” books but they are ones that give me winter vibes or include holiday elements.
Iron Hearts and Dragon Magic by Day Leitao – I really need to finish this duology and see the conclusion to all the events that kicked off in the first book. Winter and cold play a major role in this series so perfectly for the cold weather now.
Wintersong by S. Jae. Jones – Winter is in the title so this is the perfect time to read it especially since it is a retelling of the Goblin King and Labyrinth was one of my favourite movies growing up.
Fireblood by Elly Blake – I loved the first book in the Frostblood Saga where ice and the cold play a huge role and need to finish this series as soon as I can.
Bonus Books
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace – Nuff said.
The Pumpkin Spice Café by Laurie Gilmore – Not a Christmas book but definitely gives me cozy, small town vibes that fit with the holiday period even though it more fall than winter.
Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K. Hamilton – Not a holiday or winter book but I do need to catch up with this series as soon as I can.