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Chainsaw Man Vol. 2 by Tatsuki Fujimoto

Book Review

Title: Chainsaw Man Vol. 2 by Tatsuki Fujimoto

Genre: Manga, Fantasy, Horror

Rating: 4.75 Stars

Volume 2 of Chainsaw Man picks up where the first left off with Denji facing down the bat devil in order to save Power and her cat, Nyako. While Denji manages to take down the bat devil and learn a little more about the abilities that Pochita gave him, he is wiped out by it and not in any shape to deal with the leech devil waiting in the wings. With Denji out of blood and unable to transform and Power down for the count the odds are against them, but Denji isn’t giving up because of the promise Power made him.


Denji fights the leech devil but is losing when Aki and the other arrive to save the day. Power and Denji know nothing about how devil hunters operate in society and they learn that most make contracts with devils in exchange for power. Aki is contracted to a fox devil and Himeno is contracted to a ghost devil but their powers aren’t fully known right now. Denji and Power are given some time to recover before being sent to live with Aki and while things are tense at first they soon begin learning how to live together and Aki begins educating and training the pair to be proper devil hunters.

Denji also learns of the gun devil from Makima who wants Denji to kill it because she thinks he actually has a chance at succeeding where others have failed. The gun devil is widely feared because it can kill tens of thousands in seconds. However, they have fragments of the gun devil’s body which react to other pieces leading them to devils who have eaten these parts in order to become stronger. We also get some backstory on Himeno and Aki, Aki’s entire family was wiped out by the gun devil and he was the only survivor which was his reason for becoming a devil hunter in the first place and he was paired with Himeno after several of her partners had gotten themselves killed.

The entire team are called to a hotel where a devil is hiding and this one has eaten a part of the gun devil so it will be stronger than normal. They do encounter a small devil which Power kills but afterwards they realises they are stuck in a time loop trapping them on the 8th floor which is most likely the devil’s ability. Without any backup and little information on what the devil can do, the team are going to have to face it alone and the volume ends when they encounter it and the devil offers to let them all live if they let it kill Denji.

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