Book Review
Title: Chainsaw Man Vol. 9 by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Genre: Manga, Fantasy, Horror
Rating: 5 Stars
Volume 9 marks the beginning of the end to part one of Chainsaw Man and this was the most heart-breaking volume by far. We see Aki wanting to withdraw from the fight with the gun devil because he has come to love Denji and Power as younger siblings but Makima won’t allow this so he is forced to stay in order to try and protect them. However, Makima tricks Aki into making a contract with her moments before the gun devil appears and begins causing chaos.
Angel is the one who remembers what Makima is first, she isn’t a human contract to a devil, she is a devil, the control devil to be exact and Angel remembers what Makima made him do with his ability before tying him to her for life. Denji is unaware of all this and when Makima phones him explaining that the gun devil took over someone’s body and has come for him, Denji is ready to fight until he realises that Aki is now the gun devil. This is hard blow for Denji and Power who have come to love Aki the same way he loved them and fighting him is one of the hardest things Denji has ever had to do.
The fight between Aki and Denji begins and we flash in and out of reality and what is happening inside Aki’s head. In reality, the gun devil is killing so many people and Denji is trying to save them but inside Aki’s mind, he, Denji and Power are having a snowball fight as children, the same moment before his entire family was wiped out by the gun devil and he is happy. As the fight continues Denji’s heart is breaking and completely breaks the moment he takes down Aki for good. In the immediate aftermath we see that Denji is completely broken by what he had to do and doesn’t see a way forward anymore.
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