I was so excited to be part of the cover reveal for the final part in the Quest for Heroes duology, The Warrior. There is a lot of information I want to pack into this post so I’ll get to it. First I want to give a major shout out to the designer of the cover Kieryn Tyler who has done an outstanding job in creating a simple yet effective cover that makes you want to buy it simply because it’s beautiful. Below you will also find a brief synopsis of The Coward to tempt you into reading this duology you can also find my review here too.
Kell Kressia is a legend, a celebrity, a hero. Aged just seventeen, he set out on an epic quest with a band of wizened fighters to slay the Ice Lich and save the world. He returned victorious, but alone. Ten years have passed and Kell lives a quiet life, while stories of his heroism are told in taverns all across the land. But now a new terror has arisen in the north – something has taken up residence in the Lich’s abandoned castle beyond the Frozen Circle, and the ice is beginning to creep south once more. For the second time, Kell is called upon to take up his famous sword, Slayer, and battle the forces of darkness. But he has a terrible secret. Kell was never a hero – he was just lucky. Everyone puts their faith in Kell the Legend, but he’s just a coward who has no intention of risking his life for anyone…
Now into the good stuff, the story of Kell Kressia continues in Book II of the gripping fantasy duology, Quest for Heroes. Kell, two time saviour of the Five Kingdoms, is now the King of Algany. He has fame, power, respect, and has never been more miserable…
Bound, by duty and responsibility, Kell is King only in name. Trapped in a loveless marriage, he leaves affairs of state to his wife, Sigrid. When his old friend, Willow, turns up asking him to go on a journey to her homeland he can’t wait to leave. The Malice, a malevolent poison that alters everything it infects, runs rampant across Willow’s homeland. Desperate to find a cure, her cousin Ravvi, is willing to try a dark ritual which could damn her people forever. Journeying to a distant land, Kell and his companions must stop Ravvi before it’s too late. While Kell is away Reverend Mother Britak’s plans come to a head. Queen Sigrid must find a way to protect her family and her nation, but against such a ruthless opponent, something has to give…
You can buy The Warrior at the following stores: https://angryrobotbooks.com/books/the-warrior/ | https://www.amazon.co.uk/Warrior-Book-Two-Quest-Heroes/dp/0857669583/ | https://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Quest-Heroes-Book-II-ebook/dp/B09G98WLK8/ | Signed copies of The Coward: https://www.thebrokenbinding.co.uk/product-page/the-coward-stephen-aryan-1 (Unfortunately, most indie shops won’t list it until the cover is live so there will be more available to buy from but not links for right now).
Stephen Aryan is the author of the Age of Darkness and Age of Dread trilogies. His first novel, Battlemage, was a finalist for the David Gemmell Morningstar Award for best debut fantasy novel. It also won the inaugural Hellfest Inferno Award in France. He has previously written a comic book column and reviews for Tor.com. In addition, he has self-published and kickstarted his own comics. Stephen also has a YouTube account where he offers writing and publishing advice, as well as great interviews with other authors: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZlaVQ9rks4GaN-x3Jkos0A? and you can find his website here: https://stephen-aryan.com/