Book Review
Title: Crimson Spell Vol. 3 by Ayano Yamane
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, LGBT
Rating: 5 Stars
Volume 3 finally brings in the major plot over the comedy and smut elements of this series and it really increased my enjoyment level. Havi and Vald manage to escape from the demon with the help of their friends but they are left with both physically and mental scars of the encounter. Afterwards, Havi and Vald talk because Vald realises his own selfishness allowed Havi to weakened emotionally which was necessary for his brainwashing and he wants to repair their relationship but he can’t come to terms with the demon inside him.
Despite Havi and Vald sleeping together while Vald is completely in control he can’t lose sight of why he left his kingdom to begin with and he thinks that cutting Havi off is the best way. Vald also does something really stupid here and unlocks a magically sealed door freeing Rimris from his imprisonment. While he does seem to help them and look out for Vald we aren’t sure where his allegiance really lies right now. However, while Vald was out of control, Ruruka used up a lot of energy trying to save his friend and the only thing that can save him is the fruit given by a dragon. Marse tries to summon a dragon like he did before but another arrives in its place and agrees to take Vald to the fruit.
Rimris sensing something is up goes with them and the pair of them fall into a trap. This trap isn’t hard to escape but it hits home for Havi how reckless and thoughtless Vald is about Havi’s feelings even through he has claimed the same of Havi. In response, Havi decides to work for a local city as a sorcerer and seemingly abandons Vald on his journey to break the curse. Vald goes to extremes in order to speak with Havi and soon realises the error in his ways which ends up with them sleeping together again although it is Vald that initiates it this time which is real big up in his development. While it has started the repair of their relationship there is still a long way to go before they are back on even ground again.
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