Book Review
Title: Crimson Spell Vol. 7 by Ayano Yamane
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, LGBT
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Volume 7 loses a little bit of steam compared to volume 6 but it is preparing us for the final volume. As Astador continues to torture the demon Vald into submission in order to end the reign of mankind once and for all, Havi and the others are trying to figure out how to save him. It is his master who provides a way since he knew Rimris when he was working for the previous king and helps returns Rimris’ memories.
After this Rimis and Havi’s master are the only ones powerful enough to stand up to Astador but Havi is also going as he will be the only one who can calm the demon and restore Vald’s human half to him. However, Astador has finally been able to break through the demons defences by showing it an illusion of Havi rejecting him for the human Vald when we can clearly see that Havi loves both side of Vald, both the stubborn human half and the demon half who is more dependent on him.
This volume despite having more chapters felt a lot shorter than the other volumes probably because all the action is going to come in the final volume. I haven’t been able to source a copy of volume 8 yet but I hopefully will be able to read the conclusion of this manga very soon before starting on some of Yamane’s other works like You’re My Loveprize in Viewfinder.
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