Book Review
Title: Decorated
Author: Sabrina Kade
Genre: Sci-Fi/Romance
Rating: ***
Review: So Decorated follows some characters we already know such as Korben, Blythe, Azan, and York as well as some we haven’t seen before such as Ellis and Hujun at Christmas. We learn that both Blythe and York are pregnant, but Blythe is further along than York. It was really adorable seeing York trying to explain to concept of Christmas to Azan who doesn’t have the best handle on human customs and holidays. The humour York comes out with during these scenes are amazing and the other girls are down for a Christmas celebration. An interesting thing we see here is York and Blythe ended up with their mates rather easily while Hujun wants to choose Ellis, but she has no interest in him because he is quite ugly compared to the other aliens, but I have a feeling that is going to change in this novel.
As we cross the ¼ mark in the story, the Christmas planning has begun but I can already tell it is going to be no ordinary Christmas. We then switch the Ellis’ perspective which we haven’t read from before, so I was really excited. Getting to know Ellis and her strained relationship with Hujun was brilliant. Rather than the Sidyths chasing the women, this relationship is centred around Ellis trying to get Hujun’s attention. I believe there is a miscommunication here as most believe that Hujun is ugly, so he distances himself from the women, but this isn’t the case for Ellis as she is very attracted to him. When he protects her from Yayk, a Sidyth who doesn’t believe in the beliefs of the exiles, Ellis believes their relationship is going somewhere but I have a feeling we aren’t going to see too much from this couple but Hujun does have his own story coming which I can’t wait to read.
As we cross into the second half of the novel, the girls begin setting up their Christmas decorations and for the first time in ages, the girls have something to celebrate. However, I can see some strange love triangles and tensions emerging in the group. While this wasn’t my favourite part of the story I understand it is needed to further the series. While I still believe York and Azan’s relationship is adorable I was hoping to see a little more from Blythe and Korben but most of all I was focused on Ellis and Hujun.
As we cross into the final section of the novel, Christmas has finally arrived, and everyone has worked very hard to make it the best Christmas for everyone, although some don’t really appreciate the effort put in especially by the Sidyths. The novel ends with Ellis’ perspective which I suspect was deliberate as we have a Hujun story coming soon. While we don’t get anything substantial from Ellis and Hujun’s relationship I am hoping that they get together soon after everything they have gone through together it would be a crime to separate them. While this book wasn’t my favourite instalment in the series, it was still and funny and delightful read.
Buy it here:
Kindle Edition: amazon.co.uk amazon.com
Also see: Educated by Sabrina Kade
I received this review copy from the author.