Book Review
Title: Dire Quest (Dragon School #13)
Author: Sarah K. L. Wilson
Genre: YA/Fantasy
Rating: *****
Review: After the revelations at the end of Mark of Loyalty I couldn’t wait to jump into Dire Quest. I am also nearing the point in the series where I left off last time, so I am excited to see how it ends before jumping into Sarah’s other series. Many escape the Ifrits and they briefly land to formulate a plan and surprisingly it is Savette who takes the lead here, she splits everyone up. She sends Hubric to gather the Lightbringers as they know him best, Shonan to the dragon gates to find the other and Leng north with messages but she gives Amel the most important job of flying to Baojang to find Rakturan and bring him back as she will need him while she and the remaining riders head to the healing arches in the north where they will face down the Ifrits.
As they all head their seperate ways, Amel is travelling with Hubric for a while before heading to Baojang but she is concerned she might never see the people she loves again. Amel doesn’t have to worry as Raolcan has been to Baojang once before and Hubric gives her a secret path only known to Lightbringers and a contact in the south of Baojang to make her journey quicker. As Amel heads out alone, she is being followed by another dragon rider who turns out to be a gold named Renn who is also intent on ending the war through negotiation. However, when Amel gets bitten by a red adder and he sees her Lightbringer mark, I have a horrible feeling that things are going to change since they are both heading to Baojang and not even Raolcan can get a read on Renn.
By the time they reach Baojang, Amel is beginning to trust Renn when he betrays her much like others have done in the past. She appeals to Prince Rakturan after being arrested and several days later she is told she is going to share his fate. It seems that Baojang is in the middle of a civil war, one side fighting for Rakturan and the other for the Crescent Prince and Rakturan’s side is losing. It seems like Amel, Rakturan and Renn are all going to be sent to their death but we know this isn’t the end for our heroes and that they will find someway out of the mess they are in, they have to or the Dominion might fall and everyone they love with it.
As they are lower to their death by Ifrit, Amel decides that they aren’t going to die here and begins reciting the prophecies in the hopes that she might be able to summon some of the power that Savette, Rakturan and Shonan seem to share and she does but not in the same way. She summons creatures known as Trogs to defeat the Ifrits and free them from the cage allowing them to reunite with their dragons and hopefully get the hell of Baojang before things truly go to hell. Overall, Dire Quest really starts to build for the climax of the series coming in only 7 books and I can’t wait to see it.
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