Book Review
Title: Dragon School: Pipe of Wings
Author: Sarah K. L. Wilson
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Adventure/Romance
Rating: *****
Review: After the absolutely brilliant ending of Ancient Allies I couldn’t wait to start Pipe of Wings. So, this book picks up immediately after the end of Ancient Allies with the immediate aftermath of the trail of the Kah’deem. However, this isn’t the victory Amel hoped for as she is still Jalla’s slave and doesn’t understand the customs of Baojang. She is told that they are heading to the Dominion to deal with the Ifrit problem but plan to conquer it afterward and while Amel is against this there isn’t anything Amel can do about it.
As we approach the ¼ mark in the novel, Jalla gives Amel a new mission to find another dragon rider to deliver their messages about the take over of the Dominion but Amel holds a lot of loyalty to her home. While she tries to come up with a plan to prevent Jalla and her army from marching on the Dominion, Amel does take some solace in the fact that the Pipe of Wings doesn’t work for Jalla and it seems to be tied directly to her as she is the one that unlocked and used its power, not Jalla. However, Amel does seem torn between the easier power and respect she commands in Baojang despite her disability and the loyalty to her friends, allies, and home.
As we approach the halfway mark in the novel, Raolcan and Amel are making for the Ruby Isles when she realizes that she has the power of influence in this situation. On the Ruby Isles they meet some former dragon riders and form a plan to help the Dominion in the coming war, but they need Baojang’s help in dealing with the Ifrits first.
As we cross into the second half of the novel, Amel has teamed up with Ephretti and Lenora who agree to help her with the Baojang problem but only if she first travels with them to the healing arches to deal with the immediate Ifrit problem, to which Amel readily agrees. However, Raolcan is very suspicious of the pair and warns Amel to keep her eyes open and things aren’t made much better when Amel remembers that Ephretti has a thing for Leng and she is wearing his davari.
As we approach the ¾ mark in the novel, Amel is confused and torn about what she has to do but as usual things don’t go to plan for Amel and her situation gets worse and worse but Raolcan is there to provide advice and support and he also provides her with the ability to see things about herself she fails to notice.
As we cross into the final section of the novel, Amel finally realizes her role in the bigger picture but in order to summon the power she needs she has to make a large sacrifice. In doing so, she gains her power but also something else she has craved for far longer than she has been a Dragon Rider. Overall, I am loving this series and I can’t wait to read Dragon Piper as soon as I can. I really liked how Amel is gaining confidence and power as she learns but I was a bit upset that some of my other favourite characters like Hubric, Leng, and Shonen have taken a back seat in the story for now but I am hoping they come back soon especially Leng as he was there then gone then back and now gone again. In short, I want more romance but that may be just me.
I received this review copy from the author.
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Paperback: amazon.co.uk amazon.com
Kindle Edition: amazon.co.uk amazon.com