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First Message (Dragon School #7) by Sarah K. L. Wilson

Book Review

Title: First Message (Dragon School #7)

Author: Sarah K. L. Wilson

Genre: YA/Fantasy

Rating: *****

Review: After the really explosive ending off Dusk Covenant which ended with Savette destroying an Ifrit and sharing her power with Rakturan as the Dusk Covenant flee with a second Ifrit, so I was really excited to continue on with my re-read of the first 16 books to read the final four but I do want Leng to make a reappearance soon as I love every scene with him and Amel. The group aren’t having much luck as almost every time they stop to rest they are attacked by something but they eventually make it Dominion City. However, Amel is concerned about many things, she is worried about Savette and Rakturan, she has also received an offer to join the Lightbringers but she is unsure. However, things get worse as the city as they are greeted as enemies and Raolcan warns her something has changed that has made the city believe they are the enemies and I immediately knew this was Starie’s doing as she wanted Rakturan for herself.


At an inn they wait for permission to enter the city and deliver their message but Starie and her entourage arrive at the same time and they are set to enter the city together, so Savette and Rakturan must be hidden. Hubric informs her that they are all their enemies and that she should keep her wits about her especially after she realises that Starie has changed like Savette, although her eyes are black and seem to eat the light around her whereas Savette and Rakturan’s eyes radiate light. This leave Amel shaken as there is much Hubric cannot share with her like the language of the cards until she officially joins the Lightbringers which puts more pressure on Amel and in their current situation that isn’t a good thing as panicked people do stupid things. After they get into the city things do not go as planned as before they can even get their message anywhere close to the Lord of War, Starie proclaims that she is the chosen one mentioned in the prophecies, however, we know this to be false as that is Savette. If I remember correctly Starie is mentioned in the prophecies but she isn’t the chosen one, she is the one that will bring untold destruction to their lands.

Hubric and Amel now have bigger things to worry about as Starie is making a political move by proclaiming herself to chosen one as it makes her the rightful ruler of the Dominion and she can cause all kinds of terror and while Amel wants to speak out against her claiming Savette is the real chosen one she can’t do that without getting her friend killed so she stays silent and hope the message from the Dominar is enough to save them from what is coming. After delivering her message, Hubric sends Amel to play a game of cards and get the message from their contact, a man named Cord, but Dusk Covenant agents are also at the game including Artis who tries to stop Amel but Raolcan has to kill her. There she receives a message that if she doesn’t turn over Savette they will kill Leng which is devasting to her after she received his message with his davari, which is like an engagement ring to remind her of his promise to give her everything she deserved. First Message really ramps up the stakes in the deadly game Amel is now involved in and the threat of war is looming on the horizon and I am anxious to see what happens next.

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