Book Review
Title: Grace by Selena Kitt (Under Mr. Nolan’s Bed Book 3)
Genre: Erotic, Romance
Rating: 5 Stars
Grace opens with Erica, Leah and Rob celebrating Christmas in their new home but it is still a sad time since Grace isn’t with them but Rob is determined to get his and Leah’s daughter back whatever the cost. I am excited to see how this final book plays out and to see if anything happens with the blossoming romance between Erica and Father Michael. Rob also proposes properly asking Leah to be his wife so when they find Grace and bring her home she has her family waiting for her and Leah obviously says yes because she adores Rob.
We get to witness the aftermath of what happened when Leah returned home and it wasn’t pretty. At Christmas dinner, she throws everything she knows at her mother and Father Patrick to the point where Rob has to ask them to leave in order to calm Leah down. They end going to see Patty’s boss, who happens to be a lawyer specialising in adoption law and recognises that Leah does have a case but it isn’t going to be an easy one to win but it gives Leah hope for the first time since Grace was born. I also having a sneaky feeling that Grace is closer to home than Leah knows since the boy Erica is dating Clay is the son of a foster parent. His mother fosters babies and children before adoption and they have just had a baby girl given to them which might be Grace.
As Leah and Rob make preparations for their wedding we see Leah try to mend her relationship with her mother. Patty confesses she has no idea who Leah’s father is because there were hundreds of priests she slept with while in the secret society but she didn’t have the same status Susan did. Her father might well be Father Patrick which sickens Leah knowing what he does, we also see with Erica that the Marys are all sterile and the scar on her stomach means she will never conceive which breaks a part of Erica because until that moment she was told she would never be a mum she didn’t realise she actually wanted to be one.
It soon comes to light that there is more at stake than just getting little Grace back, Erica in her anger and inability to become a mother is lashing out by sleeping with Clay whenever she can. Since this series is set in the 50’s it isn’t going to be long until rumours are spread. Rob also adds more to this when he explains that Susan and Patty were lovers and he married Susan because he thought he loved her and it turned out she betrayed them both before she died. Since Rob’s parents are German and he was used as a spy during the Second World War because he could speak fluent German, she provided Father Patrick with blackmail. He was left with no choice but to allow Erica to be brought up in the Mary’s otherwise she would be removed from his care entirely. As revenge he has been working with the CIA and FBI in order to take the entire operation down for the past five years.
Rob explains there is a ceremony held every ten years and it is very special for the society and if he can capture it on film it will be the final nail in their coffin but it is going to happen the following year. Leah understands this and wants to support Rob but she is also aware that if any of this gets out her hope of getting Grace back vanishes entirely so it is a heart-breaking moment for her but she stands by her husband because she can’t allow anymore young girls to go through what she and Erica have been through. It also turns out that Erica and Leah are twins although fraternal with Patty as their mother and Rob adopted Erica while Patty kept Leah.
The mystery finally comes to its end when Leah has to go to court to get Grace back, there everything comes out thanks to the other girls like Leah that were willing to testify. Grace is given back to Leah but they try and stall for time just like their lawyer predicted but it turns out she was much closer. Grace had been given to Gertie, Clay’s mother until he adoption and she is in the courtroom and prove to the judge the baby she has is Grace and returns her to Leah and Rob, now Mr. and Mrs. Nolan. Things only get more dramatic from their as Father Patrick learnt of Rob being a spy and burnt down the warehouse and the church to try and destroy the evidence but was unsuccessful.
In the epilogue we see everyone moving on with their lives as they prepare to have Father Michael christen Grace. However, Erica tells Leah here that she is pregnant and that the procedure to make her sterile wasn’t performed right so she and Clay are going to become parents like she wanted. Leah also announces that she is pregnant although not as far along as Erica and this was the most delightful end to this series. While the first book is mostly smut, books 2 and 3 really hammer home the plot and it was a great end to the Nolan series.
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Paperback/Hardcover: amazon.co.uk amazon.com
Kindle Edition: amazon.co.uk amazon.com