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Writer's pictureJodie

Hannibal Season 1, Episode 10: Buffet Froid Review

Episode 10 really ramps things up when a woman is murdered in her own home, her mouth slit. Will for the first time contaminates the crime scene as he doesn’t remember getting to the crime scene only seeing himself murder the girl where previously he had been gutting a fish. Jack also becomes increasingly concerned by this but when Will says he is fine he lets it drop for now.


Will continues to see Hannibal about his hallucination and losing time when Hannibal asks him to draw a clock while reciting the time, where he is and who he is, Will seemingly does it easily. However, when we see through Hannibal’s eyes we can see this isn’t true and he refers will to a neurologist to see if there is anything physically wrong with him. Before this visit, Will returns to the murdered girl’s home only to find another girl hiding under the bed and when she runs past he grabs her arm only for all the top layers of skin to come away in his hand like a glove. Will loses hours of time her but calls to the girl letting her know she was alive. Instead of calling Jack or the police Will calls one the investigators as he wasn’t sure what he was seeing was real and it turns out it was.

When he relays this information to Hannibal he suspects that this girl might have Cotard’s syndrome, meaning she believes that she is dead, suffers from hallucinations and severe aggression and there are a lot of physical symptoms as well. The girl responsible has been enamored with Will and continues to follow him, even going as far as to kill the neurologists he is seeing while he is in the MIR machine. We learn from the first visit with the neurologist that there is something wrong with Will, as the right half of his brain is inflamed causing his symptoms but he and Hannibal agree to keep it a secret as it is nearly impossible to study the neurological and psychological symptoms of Will’s condition which I think was rather harsh. When the neurologist asks Hannibal whether he will put out Will’s fire or watch him burn, Hannibal replies with he will put out the fire when it is necessary. This to me says that even though Hannibal sees Will as a friend he is still willing to sacrifice him in the name of science as long as he isn’t implicated.

When Will encounters the girl under his bed, he makes her see that she is still alive and she is brought in for treatment before she can presumably be held accountable for her crimes, however, as she has a mental illness she would be given psychiatric help rather than prison time. The end of this episode sees another session between Will and Hannibal where he asks him to draw the clock again only with similar results showing that Will’s condition will only get worse and ultimately might lead him to completely detach from reality, possibly causing harm to himself or others, or may even result in his death. With only 3 episodes left in the season, I can’t wait to see what Hannibal has in store for me.

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