Episode 8 exploded, almost literally. We are introduced to a new killer who is making a twisted version of catgut strings from humans and even kills a man to use him as an instrument. First off let me say this is the most demented episode so far and the real kicker is we have been introduced to the killer before, but we didn’t know the evil he was hiding. Hannibal is continuing to see Franklyn despite the reservations he has, and Franklyn expresses concern for a friend who is saying some dark things.
While Will is the first one who sees that this murder was a serenade for someone else, this is really Hannibal’s episode. We see a few more visits between him and Bedelia and we learn that Hannibal feels very protective of her which might feature later on. We also learn that Bedelia retired after being attacked by a patient, which makes sense, but she continues to see Hannibal because she is aware of how hard it is for him to make meaningful connections with others. So, when Hannibal mentions that he sees a prospect of friendship in his future, specifically with Will, she seems very surprised but encourages it.
Meanwhile, Will is having his own crisis as he is hearing things even when awake which leads to him sending more time with Alana which was quite wholesome and out of place given the tone of the show. However, it is Hannibal who identifies the killer thanks to Franklyn and actively seeks him out, even having dinner with him where both confesses to toying with the idea of killing the others. The main difference between them is when Hannibal kills it serves a purpose, whether it is food, art or something more sensual, it serves a purpose for him. This new killer is driven by purpose and his killing is artistic, but he seems far more mindless than Hannibal as he says he will kill anyone that comes between him and what he wants.
Hannibal slightly disturbed by this killer tells Will to investigate the man, however, he doesn’t mention that he has already met him, only that a patient mentioned something to him. Will obviously follows the lead and it leads to a very dramatic moment with the man killing the two police officers with Will and attacking Will. Will responds by shooting part of the man’s ear off before he flees. I thought this was coming to the end of the episode, but the man enters Hannibal’s office while he is seeing Franklyn with the intention of killing them both. Hannibal changes here as he kills Franklyn, but I think this isn’t because he wanted to but rather he wanted to spare Franklyn the torture he would suffer at the hands of the other.
This enrages the other man as he had been looking forward to killing Franklyn for a while and the pair fight. This fight wasn’t what I was expecting, it was bloody and violent which I was expecting, but Hannibal in the book is said to have quite a bit of strength to him whereas in this fight the pair seem evenly matched and if Hannibal hadn’t got the upper hand when he did he might have come off a lot worse. Hannibal does manage to murder the man trying to kill him and covers it up really well with his lies, however, the most interesting part of this episode was the scene between Hannibal and Will at the end. Hannibal seems genuinely concerned for Will and there are even tears in his eyes. While I have no hope of any romance during this series beyond the budding relationship between Will and Alana, I am shipping Will and Hannibal so hard it hurts.