Book Review
Title: Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory (The Murderbot Diaries Book 4.5) by Martha Wells
Genre: Science Fiction
Rating: 3 Stars
This is the second short story in the series but I was looking forward to it as it is the events of Exit Strategy told from the perspective of Doctor Mensah and I was eager to see what she truly thought about Murderbot. We follow Doctor Mensah in the aftermath of the events of Exit Strategy as she contemplates what happened to her and what could have happened if Murderbot had not have saved her. She is also dealing with a lot of reservation from others about Murderbot being allowed to stay on Preservation despite its actions proving that it doesn’t intend to hurt them in any way. To combat this reservation, they decide to film a documentary with Murderbot about its experiences from the beginning up until now as many people believe that the SecUnits are aware of what is being done to them but Murderbot prove they are and that they aren’t happy with it but there is nothing they can do unless they go rogue where they are treated as even more dangerous.
The PreservationAux team are going over the research documents they gathered in the first book in order to officially get control of the planet from GrayCris and the Company but we can clearly see that Doctor Mensah is struggling emotionally and mentally with her kidnapping. When a journalist sneaks in one morning and startles her, it comes back full force and Murderbot offers her support when she needs it most but it does tell her to seek proper support like some of the others are and she says she will try although she probably won’t. Murderbot is also getting used to being around humans for extended periods of time and is becoming more comfortable asking for things it wants like drones, which Doctor Mensah know it wants to be more comfortable as it likes being able to observe everything at once so it isn’t surprised. I was hoping to see more of Murderbot with Doctor Mensah’s family as we see a brief interaction between Murderbot and one of Doctor Mensah’s children at the end of Exit Strategy which was adorable but I can’t wait to get into the final two books of this series as Network Effect is the first full-length novel in the series.
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Also see: All Systems Red