Book Review
Title: Ice Planet Honeymoon: Vektal & Georgie (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 1.5) by Ruby Dixon
Genre: Science Fiction, Romance, Erotica
Rating: 3 Stars
This is one of the first of many novellas that take place in between the main novels of Ice Planet Barbarians following what happened to Vektal and Georgie after the events of the first book. Ice Planet Honeymoon wasn’t anything overly special in my opinion, but it did a little to the first book. We mainly follow Vektal and Georgie as they go on a small honeymoon after Georgie explains what honeymoons are and what they mean to humans which was nice as it shows that Vektal and the others haven’t become experts in humans overnight as they constantly have to ask what things means and even speculate among themselves what things like hormones could be.
I was eager to see more of Georgie’s pregnancy since she only found out at the end of the first book but it hasn’t progressed far since then. The majority of this novel is Vektal being aware that something is bothering Georgie and trying to find out what it is. Once he does, he helps her deal with it, it turns out that Georgie is feeling guilty over the deaths of Krissy, Peg, and Dominique and wants to give them a proper burial. Vektal helps her achieve this by collecting the bodies and digging the graves which all seemed a bit morbid and a major shift in tone to the first book which really threw me off. The few sex scene we do get are nothing new or fantastic. Overall, Ice Planet Honeymoon was interesting but I did feel it added anything necessary to the first book and could probably be skipped in favour of the next book in the series, which I will be starting soon.
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