Book Review
Title: Japan 2041: The Last Bastion of Civilization (A scenario analysis)
Author: Andrew Blencowe
Genre: Fiction/Satire
Rating: ***
Review: So I didn’t know much about this book when I received it but it sounded interesting. It is basically a look at what the world would be like if Japan became the world’s superpower while the Western world fell into decline. The book is told for a series of essays and letters from the leading purple of the time that details the rise of the Japanese economy and the rise of technology and how they were at the front of the world.
After the balance of power of the world shifts, we see the collapse of China and the Western world specifically America is in decline as unemployment and violent crimes rises and everything else goes to hell. It was also interesting to see that certain people mentioned are real people like the Japanese Prime Minister Mr. Abe among other dignitaries, but most are fictional. Another interesting thing to note about this book is all facts and figures that are before 2016 are completely accurate and despite everything after this date being made up it does have a lot of logic behind it so it makes a lot of sense.
As we cross the halfway mark in the novel, there are many aspects of society that are investigated and the differences between the Japanese and Western ways of life are compared which was intellectually stimulating to read and it does make you think what if quite a lot. The whole book is one huge what if although there are parts where you can tell that the book was put together in 2016 as it mentioned a 2020 Clinton presidency which obviously hasn’t happened and, in my opinion, won’t happen. It also covers military aspects of society despite being a relatively peaceful nation it does excel in both technology and arms.
As we cross into the final section of the novel, I was particularly fascinated with the sections on Japanese food and produce. As most people who know will be aware that I love all aspects of Japan, but my personal favourite would have to be the food. While I didn’t live this book it was interesting, if you have an interest in economics, politics or the social aspects of society then I’d highly recommend Japan 2041: The Last Bastion of Civilization.
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