Book Review
Title: Locke & Key Volume 2: Head Games (Locke & Key #2)
Author: Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodríguez (Artist)
Genre: Graphic Novel/Horror/Fantasy
Rating: ****
Review: So volume 1 of Locke & Key showed me how close to the source material the show stayed with a few minor changes and I was eager to see if that continued throughout the series especially after the Locke children begin using the key Bode found at the end of the first volume. We get our first intermission of the series which focuses on characters outside of the central Locke family. We meet Mr. Ridgeway, a teacher who taught Tyler, Kinsey and Bode’s father when he was at school. We learn of his past and how he directly influences the entity known as Echo/Dodge/Luke/Zack as it has taken a form that very few people know and it decides to do away with Mr. Ridgeway because he knows who the entity is trying to impersonate. In order to remain anonymous, the entity is using Luke’s ex-girlfriend as a pawn because it has assumed his form and after his death, it made his girlfriend pliable to whatever the entity wanted.
It turns out the key Bode found at the end of the first volume was the mind key as it literally has the ability to unlock people’s mind and they can be tampered with or changed depending on who is holding the key. For me personally, I like how the mind key is used in the show more as it transported the key holder into the mind of the person they have used the key on, whether it is themselves or someone else and their mind reflects them perfectly as a person whereas in the comic they lose the tops of their skulls so others can look down into the school and yet the person seems perfectly aware of what is happening to them. This key is also used in a variety of ways ae see Bode use it to convince Kinsey and Tyler that the keys are real. Kinsey and Tyler use it to extract terrible memories from their minds after a big debate on the ethics of doing so and we see the entity use it to alter people’s memories so it can continue finding the rest of the keys without the people who know where they are and what they do finding out.
I also noticed that some of the characters were drastically changed between the comic and the books in appearance and one key storyline was slightly changed, not in content but the characters in it. In one particular storyline in the show we are presented with an extremely strong female character in a situation and she gets herself out of it with the help of her son and the Locke children but in this comic which starts that storyline the character in question is very weak and timid and basically helpless against the entity but it is her son that is shown to have the power to defend against the entity and not in the way you would expect.
Buy it here:
Paperback/Hardcover: amazon.co.uk amazon.com
Kindle Edition: amazon.co.uk amazon.com