So my reading year wasn’t amazing for 2019, I had many months were I was in a major reading slump like November where I didn’t read anything at all, and honestly, after September when I went back to college my reading went way down but I have set myself a goal of 25 books a month for this year meaning my reading goal this year is 300 books which is the same goal as 2019 but I only managed to read 202 books this year.
Overall though I read a fair bit and here are my stats:
I read 43,881 pages across 202 books
The shortest book I read was 23 pages – Belle: Beast Hunter #6 by Dave Franchini
The longest book I read was 1,007 pages – The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
The most popular book I read was also read by 6,345,444 people – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling
The least popular book I read was also read by 4 people – Resurrection Point by William Blackwell
My average rating was 4.4 stars
Share your reading stats in the comments.