Book Review
Title: Never Tamed (Chosen Narratives, #2)
Author: Sabrina Kade
Genre: Romance/Sci-Fi
Rating: ****
Review: So I read the first book in the Chosen Narratives series a while back and liked it but admittedly I didn’t love Hollis’ story as much as the Rebels of Sidyth series, but it was still an entertaining read and as I have managed to get ARC’s of the final 2 books in this series I couldn’t wait to see where the story was going to go. So, as you may remember this series follows Hollis and Chimase and it is set before the Rebels of Sidyth series.
The opening of Never Tamed was brilliant it picks up where the first novel left off, Hollis is still conflicted as Soh her previous owner is safe, and she is fighting to get back to him and away from Chimase despite the fact she is attracted to him because of the way the society operates on the Sidyth planet. Hollis also learns that Chimase’s family runs a shipping company which ships humans to other parts of the galaxy much like herself and the fact that Chimase has never stood up to his family despite not approving of their dealings only solidifies things in her mind that she can’t stay with him and has to go back to Soh, no matter the costs.
Despite there being a strong physical attraction between Hollis and Chimase she closes herself off to him to keep herself safe and to survive on this harsh planet especially since Vydeka is still on the scene. However, Chimase agrees that she can stay with him until the time comes when Soh takes her back, if he ever does on the condition that she doesn’t close herself off to the possibility of them being together which she agrees to, but I personally don’t think she can follow through on it after everything she has been through.
In this novel, in particular, I was finding that I really disliked Hollis as a character. I understand that Soh was safe for her and she needed to see him in order to find closure again but to be so hot and cold with Chimase was cruel and when he takes steps to prove his devotion for her, she abandons him when it is convenient for her. She may not have seen a Sidyth kill before for their Chosen but when Chimase does it for her, she has been on the planet long enough to understand Sidyth customs especially when it comes to mating so I really disliked this part.
The ending of Never Tamed was interesting but it didn’t really change the fact that Hollis had been such a hot and cold character throughout this series so far, but I was excited to see how Chimase and Hollis were going to deal with Chimase’s father and the fact that a Sidyth has taken a human for their Chosen which may take us up to the events that led the Sidyth in the Rebels series to leave their home planet.
Buy it here:
Kindle Edition: amazon.co.uk amazon.com
Also see: Never Blamed by Sabrina Kade
I received this review copy from the author.