November wasn’t a great reading month for me as I only read 3 books but I am hoping December is going to be better.
The Second Short Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer 3 Stars – After reading Eclipse I was surprised to see how different Bree was between the movie and book. In the book, she is much more of a newborn vampire struggling to control herself around Bella and much more vocal than her movie counterpart and the Cullens make less of an effort to protect her in the book understanding that the Volturi have a right to intervene so I was intrigued to see what this book was going to do for the character. We learn that Bree is only three months old and has a great amount of control for a newborn as she is befriended by another vampire, Diego who is almost a year old. Both of them seem unaware of other vampires in general, they currently believe that there must be other vampires out there but not many which is incorrect and they also believe that they will burn in the sun which is also incorrect. Due to this they stay hidden during the day and only come out at night but Bree and Diego are both very smart and soon learn that Riley and the mysterious “she” are lying to them but they don’t know why and they are going to figure it out. Since Bree is shown to have great control here ignoring the scent of blood even when it is right in front of her I don’t understand her behaviour in Eclipse where she seems very out of control but hopefully that will be explained later on.
Friends Like These by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez 4 Stars – The opening to Friends Like These was interesting and get didn’t capture my attention at all, so a strange combination. We are introduced to Jessica Sanchez and her boyfriend, Jake Healy as they spend the final days of summer break together before starting their senior year. Jessica is shy and focused already thinking about college, whereas Jake is carefree and little clingy. They end up attending the end of summer party thrown by Tegan Sheffield who also happens to be Jake’s ex and desperately wants to get back with him. Jess doesn’t like parties and Jake promises they will only stay for a little while and he won’t get too drunk but he quickly breaks these promises and when Jess says she is leaving in an hour with or without him, he continues to drink. Even when he is wasted he doesn’t really seem to care about Jess rather her reaction to seeing him in this state but that doesn’t stop in from sleeping with Tegan at the party and he is determined to hide this from Jess.
Frozen Hearts & Death Magic by Day Leitao 4.5 Stars – The opening to Frozen Hearts & Death Magic was really interesting as we are introduced to the twin royals, Naia and Fel. The siblings both possess iron magic but Fel’s is far stronger than Naia’s which leads to her feeling discontent with her life and the future ahead of her so she sneaks out one night. In the forest close to her home she finds an unconscious White Fae and rather than turning him in she rescues him. After he wakes up she learns his name is River and the pair chat for a while bantering back and forth and Naia asks for a kiss in return for rescuing him which River provides. However, River knows Naia has done something which causes him to disappear but Naia has no clue what that was and a year later there is still no sign of River even though Naia is pining for him. It is around this time they are attending a meeting of all the royals in Aluria hosted by the parents of Leah, a necromancer princess and I have a feeling things are going to get very interesting from her.