Book Review
Title: Obsidio
Author: Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman
Genre: YA/Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Rating: *****
Review: So, after re-reading both Illuminae and Gemina on audiobook I was eager to jump into Obsidio to see how this story ends. Obsidio opens in the courtroom once more for the final part of this tale. So far, we know about the attack on Kerenza 4, the destruction of the Alexander and the Lincoln and the siege and subsequent destruction of Jump Station Heimdall, leaving all of our heroes stranded in Kerenza, yet it would be impossible for them to be talking to the court if they were still in the Kerenza system. Hannah opens to story by introducing our new hero Rhys Lindstorm.
So, we learn that there are still Bei-Tech forces and survivors on Kerenza that are stranded due to the crippling of Bei-Tech’s mobile jump gate. It turns out Rhys works for Bei-Tech as a specialist and is now planetside with the locals who are fighting back with everything they have. We also have two voices presumably locals although unnamed working on attacks geared towards the invaders. We are introduced to some survivors from the initial attack including Asha Grant as they are trying to find a way to survive but things are turbulent at best for these Kerenza locals. I wasn’t expecting Rhys and Asha to know one another, and it will certainly add an interesting dynamic given where I hope the story is going. I loved to have all my babies back so early on the story and the damn feels are overwhelming already I don’t think my heart is prepared for this and knowing Mr Kristoff as I do more of my beloved ones are going to die before the end of this. However, I wasn’t totally into the Asha part of the story at the moment, hopefully, that will change.
*trying to keep spoilers out is hard*
Despite everything they have gone through all the characters are determined to fight back and for once it is Bei-Tech that are at a disadvantage than or beloved characters. As they head back to Kerenza IV I was so excited to see the final fight when they arrive in just over 17 days. Getting the Mao to accommodate everyone from the Hypatia is a struggle but they seem to be working with it, although I was surprised how Syra refuses to enlist Nik because he is HoK when they need all the help they can get, and you’d think she’d be a little more trusting note after everything they have gone through but hey it makes for some interesting dynamics. As we jump between Kerenza and the Mao we see the colliding perspectives. While Lady and the others are heading to Kerenza to look for survivors, said survivors are coming up with their own plan that involves Asha playing Rhys and getting him on their side which might not be as hard as she thinks. Seeing life aboard the Mao is great especially the budding friendship between Ezra and Nik. I also like how there seems to be some disorder in the ranks and we seem to have an internal as well as external conflict arising. As we cross the ¼ mark in the novel, things are heading up but not in the way I was expecting but I can’t wait to see the final fight between these opposing forces and what roles my babies will play and even if they all will survive.
With the opposing sides of this war clashing more and more frequently the key decision falls on Rhys and given everything he has seen I have no doubt that he will help Asha in any way he can. Back aboard the Mao things aren’t going well and when Aiden steps in to help I know it isn’t going to get better. Before we can see the consequences of Aiden’s action we jump back to Kerenza where Rhys is onboard, and they are working on a plan to save as many people as they can on Kerenza and escape alive. Rhys and Asha are having to work together and deal with their history as well but in an extraordinarily sneaky move, Rhys might have just accidentally created an opening for a new relationship between them. And we jump back to the Mao. While I understand the constant changes in the location I didn’t really enjoy the quick back and forth between the Mao and Kerenza I liked having a little time between the change in locations.
As we cross into the second half of the novel, several things have happened, and the tension is rising but for some reason, this book was moving a lot slower than Illuminae and Gemina for me and I just wanted to jump into the action. As we jump back to the Mao several things happen after Aiden’s is turned off again, but they don’t last long as the situation is dealt with by Aiden’s knights. With less than 2 days until they real Kerenza I was excited to see how BT and the survivors would clash in the final fight. Despite this things heat up really quick with less than 24 hours until the Mao reaches Kerenza, Asha finally manages to contact the Mao and Kady to let them know of the situation on both ends but the survivors are having problems of their own that just might result in them all getting killed but she still can’t wait to share the news with Rhys. All of a sudden, I have a sinking feeling that either Rhys is going to die and possibly Asha as well or that Rhys is going to be Jackson 2.0 which would be a real kick in the teeth.
As we approach the ¾ mark in the novel, everything literally heads up s*** creek when several people die and Rhys’ loyalties change, while I called this early on the way it happens wasn’t something I was expecting. However, the burning question now is what happens to the plan and the Mao which is arriving soon and the survivors who are to be killed in less than 15 hours. With the final battle, imminent everyone gears up for the fight not knowing what has been happening planetside which honestly hasn’t been great. All too soon, it begins and everyone single one of my babies prepares for the fight for their survival. Despite everything that has led to this point, all the characters believe that it will be a miracle if they all survive, and they are just about out of miracles since BT outman and outgun them. Oh, my babies.
As we cross into the final section of the novel, the battle has begun in earnest and it seems that my babies have the upper hand for now, but BT is going to have at least one backup plan. As part of the plan come together the tide of battle seems to be turning but no victory has been won yet, nothing is set in stone. The final battle between the BT and the survivors is devasting in more than one way and I can’t hold in the feels. I literally am reading the last 30 pages with tears streaming down my cheeks. WTF, is happening to me?
Overall, Obsidio was the perfect way to tie up the trilogy. While I wasn’t really into in the beginning sticking with it was definitely worth it. All I can say about Obsidio and the Illuminae Files in general right now is holy flipping hell. It was an emotionally devasting roller coaster that I am so glad I was introduced to, if you haven’t read this series, please do so as soon as possible.
Buy it here:
Paperback/Hardcover: amazon.co.uk amazon.com
Kindle Edition: amazon.co.uk amazon.com