Book Review
Title: Prince of Dragons (Dragon School #9)
Author: Sarah K. L. Wilson
Genre: YA/Fantasy
Rating: *****
Review: After the hoard of dragons arrive to aid Amel and Raolcan and it is revealed that Raolcan is the Prince of Dragons, hence the title, I was super excited to see the conclusion of this first big battle. The dragons turned the tide of the battle and many prisoners are taken allowing our heroes to catch their breath and take stock of what has happened. Rakturan suggests going back to Baojang as he doesn’t want war with the Dominion and he could spread news of the true chosen one which Leng agrees with and before he sets off he marries Savette, making her his bride which was lovely, heartfelt moment after the chaos of the last book. Amel is also able to recover Hubric’s messages but after losing them once she feels they should read them so even if the physical message is lost, it can still be delivered but Leng tells her it is against tradition and shouldn’t do it. I also have to give Raolcan’s sense of humour a shout out here as he is hilarious and never fails to make me laugh.
After Rakturan leaves for his own country, Leng tells Amel that there is a rumour that the Dusk Covenant are planning to attack the dragon lands and destroy the contract the Dominion have with them thus undermining their strength and Raolcan takes off for a while. While he is gone, Amel questions Findar with Savette as she can tell truth from lies very easily and she uncovers that he has read the message, so Amel reads one which mentions a snake in the Dominar’s court making their message for him even more important. However, they have several important things to do as Savette needs protecting and the coastal cities need to be warned on the impending danger. When Raolcan returns with Eeamdor who Savette thought was dead, it is decided that she and Amel with heads to Leedis home and deliver the message to the Dominar, while Leng takes the prisoners on ships to warn the coastal cities with the aid of the other dragons as his own is injured and needs time to rest.
As Leng heads off with the prisoners to Saldrin, Amel and Savette head towards Leedis City and her family but a mysterious wind blows them off course to a small fortress carved into the mountain. There she finds Hubric injured and tends to him but very quickly refugees from Leedis turn up after being sent there by a Lightbringer. Amel organises them and tries her best to care for Hubric but it seems infection has set in when Ashana Willowspring, the Top Rider of the purples arrives. She demands an recount of everything that has happened from Amel and by the time she has finished her tale, Ashana decides to raise Amel’s rank from Sworn to Colour but she also lets slip that Saldrin has been taken and Leedis City was in the process on being taken when they fled meaning once again Leng is heading straight towards the danger they have been trying to avoid. Amel also neglects to mention that she has read all of the message and knows who the snake in the Dominar’s court might be and she also doubts Rakturan but Savette tells her she knows who he really is and not to worry about it. Despite Savette wanting to head on her own journey, it seems they are all stuck together for now, but they need to get moving soon as the Dusk Covenant are less than a day behind them.
Ashana quickly explains to Amel to ceremony they are going to perform in order to make her a Colour and she agrees and it all goes well until she spots injured men and dragons making their way towards them following closely behind by several Ifrits. Amel finishes the ceremony and summons Savette to help but she can only deal with four of the Ifrits leaving one left but they have no way to fight. Retreating the group seal themselves inside the fortress where Amel learns that one of the injured men is the Dominar himself, but they have bigger problems to deal with as they have many people and dragons to care for as well as injured and only months’ worth of supplies. Sooner or later they are going to have to face what is outside or die inside the mountain. Prince of Dragons keeps up the tension built in the previous two books and I can’t believe when I start the next book I am halfway through the series in less than 2 days.
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