Book Review
Title: Slaying the Virus & Vaccine Dragon by John O’Sullivan, Saeed Qureshi, Judy Wilyman & Robert Beatty
Genre: Science, Medical
Rating: 5 Stars
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected just about every single person on the planet and many governments took unprecedented reactions to this. Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon looks into the medical side of the vaccine as well as the political and monetary motivations behind the pandemic. The introduction by Dr. Phillip Altman and the opening chapter from Judy Wilyman are certainly enlightening since they come from various perspectives to look at the situation. Dr. Altman was someone heavily involved in big pharma and speaks as someone on the inside looking out and how he noticed unsettling things that were happening and information he knew to be false being fed to the population. Judy Wilyman’s chapter on the other hand looks back at the history of vaccinations in Australia. From the 1950s to the early 1990s child mortality due to influenza like illness has been extremely low but when mandatory vaccines were brought in these numbers increased in direct correlation to the vaccines and that can’t be ignored.
Over the next few chapters, Dr. Saeed Qureshi takes us through the science behind “covid”. Having studied A Level Bioscience, this was all familiar territory to me with the exception of a few more advanced testing methods but don’t be discouraged. Dr. Qureshi explains these tests in the most simplified way possible so even those without any background knowledge will be able to understand the science. The purpose of these chapters is to explain why the testing methods available for “covid” are useless and it all comes down to the fact that the virus itself has never been isolated. For those that don’t know in order to test for and treat any virus you first need to isolate it and break it down into its component parts to see how it differs from other viruses especially those within the same virus family. Since that has never been done with “covid” despite numerous claims, which Dr. Qureshi debunks brilliantly, it means that all the testing and treatment for “covid” is useless and does nothing. One thing that stood out to me is that big pharma are using PCR tests to test for “covid” when a PCR test is a replication technique, all it does is allow you to enter a sample and make more of it. Think of forensics where they might have a tiny sample of blood but in order to run the numerous tests they need more blood so they will run their sample through PCR in order to create more of the sample. However, the more PCR tests you do the less viable the sample is as it is like making a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy until everything becomes grey.
By Chapter 8, we are beginning to look at the political and financial motivations behind the pandemic specifically, Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is essentially the plan to depopulate 95% of the population by 2030 which was devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments which is unthinkable. Claims that the world is overpopulated and that natural resources are scarce have been proven to be false on numerous occasions. This is all to establish a global government, global economic system and global religion in order to control us, propaganda and psyops used to spread fear and lies, all to break down the people into compliance which we saw during the pandemic. Already these “vaccines” are causing more harm than good with hundreds of thousands dead and many more injured, but this is only the physical affects. Financial affects of the pandemic are also being seen as many small and medium business have had to close their doors for good and many were deprived of help by their respective governments. Today our economy is in shambles and it is only going to get worse before it gets better which for many means that life is going to become extremely difficult with the rising cost of living and it is all part of the design to turn us into willing slaves. In order to fully understand the ramifications of these vaccines, it is essentially to know how medicines are processed by the body and how they do their jobs. There is an outstanding breakdown of this process within the book that is so easy to understand, armed with this knowledge the facts presented are easily to process and understand which for someone like me that has limited medical knowledge was great.
Moving forward we get to see the steps the governments and health agencies took in order to pull off this pandemic of fear and how earlier attempts at this kind of takeover were seen in previous pandemics but only a few noticed it. Armed with the knowledge of how vaccines are made, what they do to our bodies and how are bodies process them as well as the legal processing they have to go through we look at how they have been used in society and whether there is any evidence that they are effective. These next couple of chapters go as far back as the 1950s to look at the Polio epidemic and even then the numbers decreased because the definitions of who did and didn’t have polio constantly changed. However, in more recent times, with swine flu and covid-19 it can clearly been seen that there was mass amount of fearmongering by the mainstream media causing people to panic. Also, in the case of covid, it has been seen that injuries and deaths are far higher in those that have been vaccinated versus those that aren’t. We can also see the amount of mandatory vaccines for children under 2 has been climbing in various countries and there has also been suspicious rise in severe illnesses and even deaths in children. If we look at the flu, a similar virus to covid-19, the average child fatality rate in Australia was 0-3 per year, an extremely low number and yet parents were pushed to give their children the flu vaccine which led to not only deaths but major complications.
As we begin to look at the companies and authorities behind the pandemic and vaccines, we can clearly see how much of an effort they are making to keep the evidence hidden from us because it doesn’t support what they have claimed. All four of the major covid vaccine producers with the exception of Moderna have lost several court cases over their vaccine products in the last 3 decades. Moderna has also never made a vaccine prior to covid, which in itself sparks so many questions around their practices and experience with this delicate work, and yet no one seems to question it because they don’t know the truth. As we dive deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole it was honestly shocking to learn how the government engineered this pandemic well before it even happened. That being said, I wasn’t surprised to learn the minds behind the covid-19 pandemic were the same minds behind the Greenhouse Gas Theory and the nonsense of Climate Change, which is being debunked more openly than ever now, it seems like they switched scams. After learning the names and faces of those responsible as well as having the message hammered home that there has been no scientific evidence presented to prove or disprove that covid-19 actually exists makes you question many things. You begin thinking to yourself if my own government can put close to a million people into poverty and cause injury and death to millions more, what else are they capable of, especially if no one steps in to hold them accountable for their actions.
We get further information on this as we travel through the pandemic era from the emergence of covid-19 to the Omicron variant and digs really deep into unravelling the lies about the virus. Seeing for myself the carefully chosen wording being pulled apart and revealed for what it really is was eye-opening and in truth, frightened me a far bit since several of my own family members are fully vaccinated as I know many of you probably are which is why I urge everyone to pick this book up and armed with information from both sides to make your own decisions, don’t let them make it for you. The science that is repeatedly given to us to ensure we know that these facts and figures the governments used during the pandemic and continue to use now are completely false and what the truth is. The final 100 or so pages of the book, completely blew me away as it contained the legal ramifications for the individuals who created the pandemic and the crimes that have been committed against us, the people.
The mandates issues by the government during the pandemic including mask mandates, mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports actually violate many of our humans right and violate the Nuremberg Code. When we think of the atrocities that led to the Nuremberg Trials, it really hits home what has been done to us without our informed consent since a lot of the relevant information has been deliberately kept from us. Chapter 38 onwards sets out the legal actions that are currently being taken against those responsible for these violations in numerous countries including Britain, Germany and some other countries. Seeing that there are people fighting for justice and taking steps to undo everything the government has done in the past few years was heart-warming in a way. I also have to applaude the actions of countries like Japan and Germany that went against the established trend in order to protect their people, Germany made it very clear that the science didn’t support mandatory vaccinations and they weren’t going to do that. While Japan made it clear that the choice to vaccination belonged to the people and they weren’t going to force citizens, they even went as far as asking people not to discriminate against those that chose not to be vaccinated.
The actions of a handful of the elite have brought society as we know it to the brink of collapse but there are many fighting back but much more support is needed to ensure our victorious success. Even if you don’t read this book for the scientific or political aspects, you definitely need to read it for the legal aspects. Just knowing that your rights have been violated and ignored and how the government took pleasure in doing that as well as gaining from it financially will be enough to wake people up to what has happened and give them the chance to fight back. Honestly, out of all the non-fiction books I have read over the years, this has to be one of, if not, the most important book and I highly urge everyone to pick it up and to seek more information and evidence at Principia Scientific.
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