Book Review
Title: Some Girls Bind
Author: Rory James
Genre: YA/LGBTQ+
Rating: *
Review: So, all I could get from the synopsis is we are following a girl named Jamie who binds her chest as she feels more comfortable this way until she beings think that she might be genderqueer. As the book is so short my review will reflect this. We are introduced to Jamie and her friends who all have a secret, for example, Levi is gay, and she is possibly genderqueer, but they don’t share their secrets except with each other as they live in a small quite closed-minded town.
Eventually, Jamie comes out to Levi about being genderqueer and begins the long process of figuring who he or she is. Jamie decides that for now having a label she can identify with and binding are enough, Jamie will think about romance and relationships when the time comes for that. One thing that bothers Jamie though is that she/he feels that she/he can’t tell her/his parents as they are comfortable using the term queer is a negative scene. I also like the fact that this book is written in verse much like One by Sarah Crossan.
Following Jamie’s journey was very interesting, but I found I didn’t enjoy it at all for one reason; it was written in verse. Unlike Sarah Crossan’s One which I loved, this book didn’t have the rhythm and flow that One did. I felt that this would have been better written in normal prose and Jamie’s feelings would have come across instead of feeling like you were bouncing between acceptance and complete and utter panic. While the concept of Some Girls Bind was interesting the book just didn’t deliver for me.
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I received this review copy from NetGalley.