Book Review
Title: Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman
Genre: Non-Fiction, Society, Political
Rating: 4 Stars
Steal This Book is similar to The Anarchist Cookbook but it isn’t as direct. The book opens with the author introducing their philosophy and why they wrote the book in the first place. Huffman’s ideals seem to be providing ways for people to get anything they need or want without becoming slaves to corporations which does involve some potentially illegal and definitely illegal methods but it was interesting to read about.
Hoffman starts by looking at how to get free food through a variety of methods, some by simply asking, others through deception or stealing but to someone in need these methods are virtually foolproof. They continue on looking at free clothing and furniture as well as transport. While some of these methods are definitely illegal, some are just frowned upon but if I ever had need of them I would definitely employ them. However, it is important to note that some of these methods are country specific and some no longer apply because the book was written quite a long time ago and they are now outdated.
Hoffman continues this theme by discussing free land, housing and money. These were interesting to read and I was surprised to see how cheap land was to buy in America at the time of publication although I don’t know if this remains the case. Despite that, it did really make me want to buy a farm in rural America. Free housing is very similar although it does stray into some unethical areas of obtaining the home but it was the free money section that were the best. This isn’t counterfeiting money but rather using other currencies in place of the one they use in order to get the same result for less money or no money at all. Hoffman finishes off this free section with some smaller sections that were highly entertaining to read. Many of these free items or services can be acquired by contacting the correct people although it does include lying most of the time. Moving into section two I was almost halfway through the book and greatly enjoying it.
This section is looking at the distribution of media for those in the underground circuit. The most obvious and easiest way to distribute news is through printed media and Hoffman goes into great depth on how to do this from the equipment and skills you will need as well as many contacts and associations that can be made. Hoffman also includes a specific section on publishing and distribution within the military as they have more specific rules and regulations regarding things like this. Another method also includes setting a switchboard or telephone network to distribute news but this requires a little more equipment and skills than printing media.
Hoffman then turns our attention to guerrilla radio and TV. Both of these methods have been used recently and historically to great effect and are definitely overlooked by most because of the amount of effort it takes in order to use them. Demonstrations have also been used recently to bring attention to a cause and this one never fails to succeed especially if you have numbers on your side. Demonstrations can quickly turn into trashing which isn’t quite rioting but close to it and they go into details about how you should be prepared for any eventuality even if it isn’t your intent. Having covered protective gear, Hoffman turns to weaponry that might be needed for such an event. Hoffman does make the statement that most weaponry should be avoided but it is illegal to carry them and most are extremely difficult and dangerous to make.
In line with demonstrations, Hoffman covers medical issues and first aid. This is a key area that often gets ignored during demonstrations. However, if gas if used or the demonstration turns forceful then this is the most vital information to have. Hoffman covers everything from bleeding, concussions and even more serious injuries and what you can do on the ground before taking them for medical treatment. Hoffman also gives tips like writing the number of the nearest hospital or doctor on your arm as well as a medical tag with any important medical information on it such as allergies or medical conditions.
Hoffman then turns to legal aid which might be needed by a few people after demonstrations. Unlike The Anarchist Cookbook which I read recently, Hoffman actually provides some really useful information not just on the illegal things but things that can help if you get caught or just in normal life if you need it. Hoffman offers several different routes for being arrested and what to do, where you can get legal help and much more. Hoffman also looks at dodging the draft in America, they look at what you can do to avoid fighting in the army and if that fails where you can go to avoid the draft altogether. Even though this doesn’t apply to me living in the UK it was interesting information to file away for later.
Hoffman finishes off the book by returning it the core issues they tackles at the beginning being free essentials such as food, clothing and housing and discusses more ways in order to get these as well as expanding on the ones they mentioned earlier in the book. Overall, Steal This Book was similar to The Anarchist Cookbook but had a lot more useful information on a variety of topics, although some of the information is now outdated due to when the book was written but well worth the read.
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