Book Review
Title: Sweat and Soap, Vol. 10 by Kintetsu Yamada
Genre: Manga, Comedy, Romance
Rating: 5 Stars
Volume 10 picks up immediately where volume 9 left off as Natori and Asako discuss her breakdown and what caused it. For Asako this involves talking about some things from her childhood that have caused her pain for a long time but Natori holds her hand through it all and is there to crush her doubts. She also confesses she went to see a doctor about her sweat issue and they explain it was genetic, she inherited it from her father and it is made worse by her anxiety. Although, she sweats more than the average person her body odour is normal so she doesn’t have to worrying about smelling all the time.
This conversation sets Natori’s mind at ease and he asks Asako to lean on him more when she is feeling down so he can help her even if it is just supporting her through it and she agrees to try. At the end of this conversation they also propose to each other and they are now officially engaged. Since some of these volumes take place over months we see them begin to plan a wedding as well as telling their families.
This leads to both families meeting for the first time and formally introducing themselves. Keita has a big leap in character development here when he meets Natori’s mother. As he is left-handed a comment Natori’s mother makes about his hands being that of a craftsman knocks him back because he has been trying to hide the callouses he has from using a knife. After speaking with his sister and doing some thinking he realises it is a good thing and apologizes to Natori’s mother for his rudeness and really becomes a part of this new extended family which was delightful to witness.
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