Book Review
Title: Sweat and Soap, Vol. 8 by Kintetsu Yamada
Genre: Manga, Comedy, Romance
Rating: 5 Stars
Volume 8 opens with Natori and Asako celebrating their anniversary and this must have been some of the cutest moments so far. Natori has been working extremely hard on Asako’s gift which is a personalised soap made especially for her. When she receives this she actually suggests they take a bath together which is something that Natori wasn’t expecting and he definitely blue screens for half a second before snapping up the offer.
They are also going on another company trip this time to Okinawa since it is the summer time. Natori is really excited about going to the beach and seeing Asako in a swimsuit but she is worried about her weight since she has gained a lot. She ends up going on a diet and Natori supports her through this but in the end she feels confident to wear a bikini even if she doesn’t show it to anyone but Natori.
On the trip we see Asako is able to forget about her sweat issue and let loose and have some fun for once and this is a huge development in her character since she’s had a lot of anxiety about this issue. While on this trip Asako also begins visualising her future with Natori and sees them having kids together which causes her to space out a lot. Initially Natori is worried but he doesn’t smell a sad scene coming from her but rather one of excitement. By the time they sit down and talk about they are both excited and when they end up in bed together they feel like they are rehearsing for the actual time they decide to bring a child into the world.
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