Book Review
Title: The Butcher of Anderson Station (The Expanse Book 1.5) by James S.A. Corey
Genre: Sci-Fi
Rating: 3.75 Stars
I absolutely adored Leviathan Wakes and I can’t wait to binge the rest of the series as well as the TV show so I am moving onto the novella surrounding the history of Fred Johnston and what really happened at Anderson Station as it is referred to several times in Leviathan Wakes. The first thing to note about The Butcher of Anderson Station is that it take into account to different timelines. The first is what happened in the moment on Anderson Station and the second is Fred being questioned about those events by Anderson Dawes.
Fred is the main man during the retaking of Anderson Station which had a massive loss of life but the main issue with the whole thing was the Belters who has taken control of the station were in the process of surrendering when Fred’s people were sent in to essential kill them all. Fred doesn’t find this out until afterwards when he has been given a medal for his actions by his superiors and labelled a butcher by the people. Fred spends years basically slowly killing himself and seeking out death when he is kidnapped by Anderson Dawes and asked to clarify what happened on the station. Fred assumes that these people are going to kill him but he is wrong as they are looking to recruit him into the OPA as it would be a massive boost for them and potentially turn the public image on Fred and we know from Leviathan Wakes that he agrees to this and works for the OPA as this is where he meets Holden for the first time. Overall, The Butcher of Anderson Station added a lot of Fred’s characters and provides some context for his actions in Leviathan Wakes.
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