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The Clash of the Two Americas Volume 4: The Anglo-Venetians Roots of the Deep State by Matthew Ehret

Writer's picture: JodieJodie

Book Review

Title: The Clash of the Two Americas Volume 4: The Anglo-Venetians Roots of the Deep State by Matthew Ehret, Cynthia Chung

Genre: Non-Fiction

Rating: 5 Stars

I haven’t read the previous three volumes in this series but after reading this one I am definitely planning to in the near future. The introduction is where Ehret lays out the questions he seeks to answer within the volume and I was looking forward to seeing how he arrives at the answers and what they are. Before we get into the real meat of the book, Ehret introduces us to the origins and foundations of the Deep State along with its key players both modern and historical. A lot of the modern names you will easily recognise and almost every single one of the is tied to the Rhodes Trust in some way, the heart of which is in Oxford University in my home country and it was more than a little disturbing the realise that these people have been indoctrinated and manufactured in my own backyard, but I can’t wait to see what else Ehret has in store for us.


In the second chapter Ehret presents us with a lot of conspiracies both old and new, including COVID-19 that are designed and put in practice to turn out heads from the true agenda and take many of our liberties at the same time. Having lived and suffered through various lockdowns like so many others this chapter does hit close to home and knowing who was responsible and why made my blood boil as it not only caused a lot of deaths through illness it caused many more due to decline in mental health resources and the rise in suicide especially among younger people like myself who thrive on social interaction. Ehret continues this line of thinking by outlining some of the conspiracies and narratives that the Deep State has constructed and reinforced over the years, even more modern ones like COVID-19 and its “vaccines”. Here he lays out the idea that these conspiracies have counter-conspiracies which are thinking people using logic to dismantle this thin ways of thinking to reveal the truth. However, it must be said that these thinking people are outnumbered and outfunded for the most part but this is seeming to change as more people are becoming thinking people especially in the younger generations.

Ehret then goes on to break down several conspiracies theories and reveals the truth behind them beginning with the 2020 Election Coup and the extreme fraud that took place. Ehret is quick to mark both George Soros and Lord Malloch Brown as the mastermind behind the election fraud since one of their companies fits the software into the voting machines making rigging easy for them. It didn’t come as a surprise to me that this happened since I noted something wasn’t right with the election at the time and the way Trump has presented himself since only solidifies that he was cheated out of a second term in office. Soros and Malloch Brown have also co-founded both the ICG and ICC together which has been involved in many controversies over the years and unless this changes these frauds are getting to happen more frequently and on bigger scales than we have ever seen before.

Ehret then moves onto the International Terrorist Conspiracy, where he primarily discusses how the FBI and CSIS have been creating their own domestic and international terrorist for decades. They have both even been caught a few times and faced no punishment or repercussions for the lives lost and people injured which is appalling. This isn’t limited to 9/11 although it is biggest “terrorist attack” mentioned but many other preceding 9/11 and many that have happened after as well. Worse still is that all of this has been coordinated and directed by British Intelligence and they have been responsible for the creation of terrorist groups and entrapment more so than the FBI and CSIS. It makes me fear for my own safety when my own government and intelligence agencies are creating fictious “enemies” and “terrorist” which implies that there weren’t any to begin with and the world could be a much more harmonious place if these people were dealt with accordingly.

We then move onto Masonic Conspiracies and these are something that I personally enjoy reading about from time to time. Here Ehret really begins to delve deep into the conspiracies surrounding the US Presidents and how they came to have to power behind the scenes as it goes right back to myths and legends with the Cult of Delphi. While that might not be proven the Scottish Rite and how they took control of the American Freemasonry is and these actions are echoed in the Presidents although not all of them, FDR was well known for opposing this and when he died anyone that supported him was removed from office. Political conspiracies aren’t anything new but ones like these that have long and dark histories are beginning to come to light showing how much of our world is run by a handful of people at best and its truly a terrifying reality we are living in.

Next we move to something that has been coming up recently in certain circles, The Jewish Conspiracy. Here Ehret talks about the Jews in more of a geographical sense than a religious one but he does touch on the continued scapegoating of the Jewish people that didn’t cease after the Second World War. Ehret’s main point here is to discuss how countries work together financially and politically and how relationship can be formed or broken between them and how it impacts the rest of the world. He specifically mentions China’s alliance with Russia among others in developing the New Silk Road and how the US and the UK didn’t approve of this since it encroached on what they believed was theirs. This is a topic you can hear about but until you truly understand it the implications don’t fully materialise. I realised here that not everything about governments and world order is politically, in fact a great deal of it is financially since the people in power are often those that have extreme amounts of wealth and that isn’t a coincidence in my eyes. The Deep State has held the pursestrings for a long time and thus controlled the majority of other nations and trade routes even if indirectly and that seems to be changing slowly.

The final two conspiracies in this part Ehret discusses are the UFO Conspiracy and the Jesuit Conspiracy which I was really looking forward to reading. In this chapter, Ehret really focuses on the relationship between the Clintons and the Rockefellers and their joint role in UFO disclosure. However, he does questions their motives for doing so since the Rockefellers especially are heavily involved in MK Ultra and the psychoactive drugs and experiments they performed in order to brainwash people for the CIA. He also theorises that this involvement in UFO disclosure is simply a distraction method to turn the heads of the general public in the direction they want rather than the direction it should be focused on. In the Jesuit conspiracy, Ehret explains who the Jesuit’s are and what their mission is but looking at the bigger picture he ties religion and politics together explaining the connections between the British Empire, Venice and the Jesuits. While this wasn’t my favourite conspiracy it was the one with the most far reaching impacts not only globally but through time as well.

As we move into Act 3, Ehret is focusing now on the British Empire and how it didn’t collapse after the Second World War. Chung makes an excellent interjection here as she explains that London is the financially epicentre of the world although a lot of the money coming through there is dirty as it is collected from illegal activities like selling drugs or laundering from offshore accounts. This means that London has a hold on most other countries especially its “former” colonies like Africa which it deliberately cripples in order to keep subservient to its own whims. Ehret takes this one step further as he explains that the British Empire now dubbed Global Britain didn’t disappear after the Second World War and in fact, it strengthened its hold on many of its colonies to the point where they will never be self-sufficient. He also delves into the monarchy and the role they play in this alongside the “democratic” government. He also takes great care to highlight and emphasise the fact that the monarchy themselves have a very dark past with strong ties to Nazi Germany and the eugenics movement that they still hold onto to this very even the current monarch, King Charles is guilty of this by promoting and backing the so-called Great Reset.

We then move back looking at the Roman origins of the Empire beginning in Nero’s Rome. Throughout this chapter Ehret makes the point of how vast the Roman Empire was at its height and what led to the fall of Rome along with some interesting views from Augustine on the rise of Christianity and his role in it. He goes on to explain how the Roman Empire was broken up and fought over until Charlemagne turned it into something resembling the Global Britain we see today. Ehret goes on to discuss the rise of the e League of Cambrai which includes Da Vinci, one of the most brilliant minds of his time and the almost destruction of Venice as the last bastion of the Roman Empire. The only reason the attack failed was because they were deceived by one of their own who was swayed by the Romans and it survived another day. This clearly shows that powers like these can be defeated but everyone has to united and devout in their cause. We also get a lot of insight into how Venice’s mental rather than military warfare ended up causing not only the Catholic/Protestant divide but it also started several wars including the 30 year war and in one such war Germany lost a third of its population. This meant they were effectively able to cripple their enemies without lifting a finger themselves which made them a tough opponent but some knew the correct way to fight and were ignored.

The next topic is particularly interesting as it is the 1688 takeover of England. This takeover was brief due to the fact Queen Anne came to the throne in 1702 and shut down Parliament when she realised how corrupt it was. She then made it her mission to create peace with France but Venice shut her down at every turn and just when it seemed like peace was won, the French heir started dying and the French Ambassador was killed following shortly after by the death of Queen Anne which many suspect was due to poisoning. With this Venice had control of Britain and didn’t let go again. Now we are moving into more modern times as the next act takes us from 1776 all the way to 1945. Ehret explains how the American system was created and how Presidents like Lincoln had a huge issue with its creation because of interference from Britain. After his assassination Lincoln’s system was dismantled and replaced with the one created by Britain although Trump did try to reinstate Lincoln’s system. We then move into more modern times as we look at 1923-1945. Most people are aware in the Second World War apart from Hitler there were three major players, Stalin, Churchill and FDR representing Britain, the USA and Russia. However, what many people don’t know if because Britain is the heart of the Deep State and this was known even then neither Stalin nor FDR trusted Churchill as an honest ally while they trusted each other. FDR also had a plan to completely destroy the Deep State and would have done so if he had not have died when he did, and this seems to be a reoccurring theme that the people with the power and will to change things often end up dead.

Ehret goes deeper into the dynamic between the world leaders and the chaos that happened after their deaths. He takes this one step further as he delves into the social engineering and eugenics movement that happened during and after the Second World War and I was surprised to learn that H. G. Wells was a part of this movement. I learnt a lot about the eugenics movement when I studied German History but this side of it was completely hidden from me in my studies and this is likely because education was used for social engineering as a form on indoctrination and eugenics as a form of population control which is something we have seen happen in the world numerous times. We then cycle back to Soros and the Institute of New Economic Thinking where Ehret rips apart Soros’ theories and intentions with simple logic. Soros claims that he would be able to create a society based on radicalism that would be stable unlike our current society but this is a completely farse. Society founded on radicalism cannot be stable, he then furthers this point by looking into scientific theory from the likes of Einstein and more which was a joy to read.

Ehret then moves into the Anglo-Eugenics Origins of Transhumanism, and this was a great chapter. We really dig deep into the eugenics movement after the war, who it was funded by and what it aimed to do along with X Club and its members. Ehret also links eugenic to Malthus and Darwin as they essentially both repackaged eugenics to look less cruel for the more modern age as we move past the Second World War into the 30’s and 40’s. Ehret goes further still into the modern age as he discuss the creation of UNESCO and WHO as these were both founded and funded by the Deep State which means they are following the principles that Ehret has discussed. We now move into modern history since Ehret’s next topic is The Club of Rome’s 1968 Global Coup. Ehret begins looking at Neil Ferguson who used mathematic models to predict the number of death during outbreaks of disease going back to 2000 and every prediction he made was horribly wrong as the true number of deaths were a lot lower. These predictions were created using the Monte Carlo analysis methods which was also used by Michael Mann in his hockey stick graph which has been debunked several times over. This number fudging and decision guiding led to Rockefeller founding the Club of Rome and the creation of the 1001 Club which was created to shift public opinion from saving humanity from empire to saving nature from humanity.

Now we turn to COP27 and the Traditions of the Vatican where Pope John Paul argued the meaning on Biblical Scripture that was being cited to do harm. However, Davos billionaires and the Vatican eventually teamed up to “save the planet” and the billionaires used this to protect land for their own gain. Many people will already be familiar with the Global Warming hoax and the overpopulation myth but I doubt many people know about Chardin’s missing link hoax where he actually set up “discoveries” of the missing link between man and ape which wouldn’t be uncovered for a long time but the damage would already be done. Chardin was attempting to create a new religion to replace Christianity centred around Darwinism and he eventually found a kindred spirit in Julian Huxley. They worked in tandem to push their fake agenda and ultimately wanted to push eugenics as a form of advancement and while it didn’t happen immediately it did eventually led to the deconstruction of Christianity. On the other side we have Vernadsky’s Noosphere and the Open System way of thinking. Open system thinking means that no plant or species can exist outside of a biosphere including humans. Vernadsky located as many unifying principles of nature while looking holistically at the behaviour of living vs non-living matter and Ehret explores these principles in depth. The Noosphere is the principle of the mind and looks at the fossils we leave behind as evidence of our evolution and creativity. Although these ideas were never really accepted by the wider scientific community.

In the second to last chapter we look at the Age of the Big Bang Cosmology and “the Science of Scarcity” and whether they are finally coming to an end. Ehret makes a clear point to reference scientists whose discoveries where discredited or buried because of the impact they had on the Deep State. We look first at new space discoveries challenged the currently accepted cosmology. Eric Lerner believed that the hypothesis of the Big Bang had been defended for so long that discoveries like these caused theorists to panic. Halton Arp discovered anomalous observation which broke the chains of standard theory cosmology and instead of being praised for his discovery he had his access to his telescopes taken away, his work wasn’t going to be published or peer reviewed and he was eventually forced to leave the USA altogether. This was because Arp’s discovery completely broke the hypothesis of the Big Bang which challenged those in power.

In embryology we see the emergence of Alexander Gurwitsch who realised the intercommunication of cells couldn’t be accounted for through molecular activity alone and began to experiment. He found that onion cells had increased growth under UV light which meant he found which electromagnetic properties caused living tissues to harmonise. Gurwitsch called this Mitogenetic Radiation and the Rockefeller Foundation attempted to discredit Gurwitsch and wasn’t entirely successful. Ehret rounds the book of by briefly recapping the key points he has made through the book with some additional information. Overall, I found the book to be insightful, education and completely understandable for the layperson even in the more scientific parts which I have to commend Ehret for. If you’re looking for something that sits outside the norm and challenges the preconception of power and knowledge then I’d highly recommend picking this up.

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