Book Review
Title: The Naomi Letters by Rachel Mennies
Genre: Romance, LGBT
Rating: 2 Stars
All I knew about The Naomi Letters before getting into it was it is a collection of epistles containing a series of love letters between two women. We are introduced to Naomi and Rachel as she tells Naomi about the thoughts of suicide she has had as well as her hatred for her own body which makes me think that Rachel might be transgender or non-binary. We also know that Rachel is Jewish and often struggled with her desire for women and finds it hard to maintain a relationship but the one with Naomi seems different and holds a special place in Rachel’s heart. As we read through the letters I was confused a little by Rachel’s relationship to Naomi. Initially it seems like they are lovers separated by circumstances but it might also be that they have broken up as the unsent draft letters imply that they are no longer together and Rachel is at fault for that but it isn’t really clear.
It turns out that Naomi is alive and they are just separated for a year but over this year Rachel experiences suicidal thoughts, depression and discomfort in her own body that she shares with Naomi and throughout it all, Naomi is her light at the end of the tunnel. While I appreciated the sentiments that are presented in this book it was difficult to connect with the author because the material is so personal. I also found the presentation of LGBT relationships to be lacking as these letters are just random collections of thoughts from the author which I didn’t really enjoy reading.
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I received this review copy from Edelweiss