Book Review
Title: The Shattered Mountain (Girl of Fire and Thorns Book 0.6) by Rae Carson
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Rating: 4 Stars
The Shadow Cats was an interesting introduction to this world and the characters and I couldn’t wait to see what The Shattered Mountain had in store for me. We are introduced to Mara who is planning to run away from her village and abusive father to be with her lover, Julio. However, the morning they plan to leave their village is attacked by Invierno soldier who burn it to the ground. Mara and Julio being resourceful head into the village to save people including Julio’s younger brother, Adan. They have to split up for Julio to distract the archers while Mara gets the survivors out of the village which mainly consists of small children although some are older like Adan and Reynaldo.
The group arrange to meet at the Shattermount and Mara’s group reaches it first. They end up staying several days to wait for Julio but eventually they have to move and this is crushing for Mara but Julio does catch up to them although he is badly injured. Mara does her best to help him and they begin planning what they should do now as food and water are in short supply. Mara at first wants to head to the next village but Reynaldo is right in telling her that they probably suffered the same fate as their village so with Reynaldo and Adan’s help they begin heading for the rebel camp. Along the way many of them suffer injuries that Mara can only basically treat and more than one of them is almost completely out of action by the time they reach the rebel camp. One casualty along the way is Julio as his wounds were to severe and badly infected for him to suffer but everyone comes together to reach the rebel camp.
Once they arrive there, the rebels treat their wounded, bury Julio and take care of everyone else. Mara also learns from the leader of the camp that they have kidnapped the God’s chosen, Elisa from under the nose of the King and she might play a much larger role in the war that has broken out across the kingdom. Overall, The Shattered Mountain was a heart-breaking story that showed the realities of war and the strength of the human condition even in small children. While it does hint at events that will take place in the main series there aren’t any major spoilers so I can’t wait to get into the final prequel The King’s Guard before starting the main series.
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