Book Review
Title: Vizilsan: Blue Rabbit's Crystal
Author: Marko Markovic
Genre: Graphic Novel
Rating: **
Review: When I saw Vizilsan: Blue Rabbit’s Crystal for request on NetGalley, I instantly got Alice in Wonderland vibes form it and the synopsis was interesting so I decided it give it a go purely because I can read graphic novels really quickly. Only a few pages in, I knew this going to be for me but I pushed through as the story seemed interesting. However, it didn’t get much better and by the end I was left really enjoyed and I can honestly say I don’t know what I just read which is extremely rare for me.
I had quite a few problems with Blue Rabbit’s Crystal and I will go through them one at a time. The first reason was the art style, as it in done in the style of a watercolour painting everything seems a little blurry around the edge, like it lacks the sharp definition that you need with graphic novels especially digital ones. The second reason is the constant changing of font which is a massive strain on the eyes. The last two reasons are linked together and a bit more complicated. One half of these reasons is I think it is too complicated for a graphic novel, when you are combining both sci-fi and fantasy in a graphic novel you need to keep it fairly simple or present the information is small, manageable pieces, think the Saga series, that is it done right. Vizilsan was just overly complicated from the beginning throwing information at you that has no context or explanation. The second half of this is personally I felt this would have been better of as a novel where these overly complicated point could be explained far better than just ramming in tons of unnecessarily dialogue that really just drags things out.
Overall, I couldn’t even focus on most of the information I was being bombarded with while reading this but to say it was a hot mess is being polite, although the artwork was great even if it is slightly the wrong style for a graphic novel, Golden being my favourite character because cat people who doesn’t like them and that is my reasoning for giving it two stars.
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I received this review copy from NetGalley.