Book Review
Title: You Took the Last Bus Home by Brian Bilston
Genre: Poetry
Rating: 2 Stars
This is a collection of poetry which isn’t something I read often but when I requested it from Edelweiss it sounded really interesting and I am trying to clear some of the backlog I have there and on NetGalley. Now I was apprehensive when I first picked this up because I know that nine out of ten times poetry is something that just doesn’t work for me.
Unfortunately that definitely turned out to be the case with You Took the Last Bus Home which really disappointed me. While I did appreciate some of the stylistic choices Bilston made, I didn’t really connect with any of the themes or messages that the author was trying to get across which’s as a shame. Bilston is part of a publishing team who works to support smaller, indie authors and I will definitely be following them closely in the future.
If you are a fan of poetry that focuses on the more mundane elements of life then this collection might work for you, or if you’re an avid poetry reader with far more intellectual depth than I have then definitely pick it up. However, for me it just really didn’t work, there wasn’t anything that gripped me even though the writing was ok but changed from page to page so there was very little cohesion for me. Overall, while I don’t want to give it a low rating I can’t give it a mid or high one because it just didn’t check any boxes for me personally so that is the reason for the 2 star rating.
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