Book Review
Title: Ascendant Light (Dragon School #20)
Author: Sarah K. L. Wilson
Genre: YA/Fantasy
Rating: *****
Review: After the end of Starie Night and seeing the tide of the battle turning slightly in the favour of our heroes and I couldn’t wait to re-join Amel, her now husband, Leng and all their friends and allies in this final battle. Amel dives straight in help after getting the Pipe back from Starie and freeing the dragons from her magic but she isn’t fighting fair. Above the battle she sees Iskaris tying Leng to a device she had been attached to before when she offered her life for Jalla’s. Before she goes for him Rakturan tells her that Starie is controlling Iskaris and while he goes to help Savette, she needs to stop Iskaris and save her husband at the same time.
Amel manages to rescue Leng and Ashana but something strange it is happening, it seems when Starie and Savette release large amount of their magic, time rewinds a few moments which is how Ashana is alive even after Amel watches her fall to her death. Now the dragons and riders are free the band together with the people of the Dominion, who have been killing off the Magikas but they are still losing the battle so Amel does the only thing she can think of which is called the Trogs. While they initially refuse to help until Iskaris is killed, Amel accuses them of abandoning their champions in their darkest hour and they come to help bursting on to the battlefield, to them their support to Amel and Rakturan. The battle is raging, long and hard around them but Amel knows the only thing she can do is to deal with Iskaris and win back control of the nation. However, when they arrive at the tower where Iskaris is waiting, Leng challenges him to a duel not for the crown but to avenge his brother who Iskaris killed and Amel can only wait on the side-lines as Iskaris is immune to dragon fire while he wears the Dominar’s crown.
As Leng and Iskaris clash, Amel is watching and fearing for Leng’s life and just when it seems like Iskaris will claim his life too, Raolcan reminds her of a prophecy and she steps into the fight. Amel doesn’t even attempt to deal a blow with a sword but tears the mask and crown from Iskaris’ head and onto her own, making her the Dominar now as she will bear the weight of nations and this is a turning point in the battle as she gets the Dominar’s men to fight with Savette rather than against her but she also knows what being the Dominar means and the sacrifices that have to be made in order to fill that role. However, I think Amel will find a way around this so that she can fulfil the role and be with her husband at the same time. By the time the battle comes to an end, I was in tears as some of our favourite characters are sacrificed for peace and when we see what happened after and what became of the survivors I honestly couldn’t contain my emotions anymore. I am so glad I reread this series and finally finished it as it was worth the journey and I can’t wait to read more of Sarah K. L. Wilson in the future.
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