Taken Away by Cyn Bermudez
Book Review Title: Taken Away Author: Cyn Bermudez Genre: Middle Grade/Family Rating: ***** Review: So all I can gather from the synopsis...
Book Review Title: Taken Away Author: Cyn Bermudez Genre: Middle Grade/Family Rating: ***** Review: So all I can gather from the synopsis...
Book Review Title: Secrets of the Stones Issue 1 Author: Sabrina Kidd & Katy Arrington (Illustrator) Genre: Graphic Novel Rating: *****...
Book Review Title: Hibakusha Author: Thilde Barboni & Olivier Cinna (Illustrator) Genre: Graphic Novel Rating: ***** Review: So, this is...
Book Review Title: Guinea Pigs Author: Benacquista Tonino & Barral Nicolas (Illustrator) Genre: Graphic Novel Rating: *** Review: So all...
Book Review Title: Stalking Jack the Ripper Author: Kerri Maniscalco Genre: YA/Historical Fiction/Horror Rating:Â ***** Review: In the...
Book review Title: Firsts Author: Laurie Elizabeth Flynn Genre: YA/Contemporary/Romance Rating:Â ***** Review: The opening to firsts was...
Book Review Title: The Program Author: Suzanne Young Genre: YA/Sci-Fi/Romance Rating:Â **** Review: So, after the freaking devastating...
Book review Title: The Remedy Author: Suzanne Young Genre: YA/Romance/Sci-fi Rating:Â ***** Review: The Remedy is actually the third book...
Book Review Title: Bring me their Hearts Author: Sara Wolf Genre: YA/Fantasy/Fairy Tale Rating:Â ***** Review: The opening to Bring me...
Book Review Title: SeQuence Unbound Author: Lorraine L.M.L. Genre: YA/Fantasy/Romance Rating:Â **** Review: So, this review is going to be...
Book Review Title: Sota’s Knife Volume 1 Author: Kei Honjo & Yuichiro Sueda Genre: Manga Rating: *** Review: So, this manga follows...
Book Review Title: Ping Pong Dash Volume 1 Author: Shingo Honda Genre: Manga Rating:Â ***** Review: So, all we get from the synopsis of...
So I read a grand total of 20 books in October and only 1 can really be classed as a spooky read so there goes my Halloween TBR. SeQuence...
So despite reading only 1 scary book this month, I was pleased with my 20 books and I am around 80% done with my reading goal for this...
Book Review Title: Playing the Dutiful Wife Author: Takako Hashimoto (Illustrator) & Carol Marinelli Genre: Manga Rating: ***** Review:...
Book Review Title: Craving Jamie Author: Keiko Okamoto (Illustrator) & Emma Darcy Genre: Manga Rating:Â ** Review: In the opening of...
Book Review Title: A Daring Proposition Author: Yoshiko Hanatsu (Illustrator), Miranda Lee Genre: Manga Rating: *** Review: In the...
Book Review Title: Every Heart A Doorway: Re-Read Author: Seanan McGuire Genre: YA/LGBT/Portal Fantasy Rating:Â ***** Review: So, I have...
Book Review Title: Something Like Summer Author: Jay Bell Genre: LGBT/Romance Rating:Â ***** Review: Something like Summer opens in 1996...
Book Review Title: Blue Is the Warmest Color Author: Julie Maroh & Ivanka Hahnenberger (Translator) Genre: Graphic Novel Rating:Â *****...