Drowning In Light by Anna Benoit
Book Review Title: Drowning In Light Author: Anna Benoit Genre: Mental Illness/Substance Abuse/Romance Rating: **** Review: In this...
Book Review Title: Drowning In Light Author: Anna Benoit Genre: Mental Illness/Substance Abuse/Romance Rating: **** Review: In this...
Book Review Title: The Customers Always Write Author: C. DeAndré Smith Genre: Autobiography(ish) Rating: ***** Review: So the Customers...
After working with PSI on several science-based book reviews in the past, I was pleased to hear Joesph Postma was publishing a new book....
Book Review Title: Polyamory on Trial Author: Jude Tresswell Genre: LGBT/Romance/Crime Rating: ***** Review: So, after requesting this...
Book Review Title: Promised (Rebels of Sidyth, #3) Author: Sabrina Kade Genre: Sci-Fi/Romance Rating: ***** Review: So much like the...
Book Review Title: A Proper Wife Author: Sandra Marton & Chikae Ide Genre: Manga Rating: ***** Review: So, the synopsis of this books...
Book Review Title: The Greek’s Long-Lost Son Author: Rebecca Winters & Haruhi Sakura Genre: Manga Rating: ***** Review: So, we know from...
Book Review Title: The Prince’s Mistress Author: Sandra Marton & Kohaku Yu Genre: Manga Rating: *** Review: So, all I get from the...
Book Review Title: After the Ball Author: Catherine George & Takane Yonetani Genre: Manga Rating: **** Review: So After the Ball...
Book Review Title: OtherEarth (Last Reality #2) Author: Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller Genre: YA/Sci-Fi Rating: ***** Review: So the end...
Book Review Title: Deadly Sweet Author: Lola Dodge Genre: YA/Fantasy/Paranormal Rating: ***** Review: In the opening of Deadly Sweet we...
I read 17 books this month and I only need to read 14 more in December to smash my yearly goal of 200 books. Ping Pong Dash Volume 1 by...
So, I read a total of 17 books this month which is pretty good but I am aiming to complete my yearly goal of 200 books so I have to read...
Book Review Title: Heart Break Club Volume 1 Author: Nikki Asada Genre: Manga Rating: ***** Review: So, I didn’t know anything about...
Book Review Title Undercover Man Author: Hibiki Sakuraya (Illustrator) & Merline Lovelace Genre: Manga Rating: ***** Review: So, all I...
It's been a while since I have last posted which has been due to stuff going on in my life and I do apologize about my long absence but...
Book Review Title: Otherworld Author: Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller Genre: YA/Sci-Fi Rating: ***** Review: The opening to Otherworld was...
Book Review Title WaterSnakes Author: Tony Sandoval Genre: Graphic Novel Rating: ***** Review: So, all I know about WaterSnakes comes...
Book Review Title: Mistaken for a Mistress Author: Marito Ai (Illustrator) & Jacqueline Baird Genre: Manga Rating: ***** Review: So,...
Book Review Title: Open Earth Volume 1 Author: Sarah Mirk, Eva Cabrera (Artist) & Claudia Aguirre (Artist) Genre: Graphic Novel Rating:...